Council Function Council Operation

Council Operation

Session and summon

Council steering is divided and operated as the main meeting and special committee. The 1st (July 1) and 2nd (November 20) regular meeting session must be within 40 days a year. The extra meeting session must be within 15 days. The local head or more than 1/3 of council members can request it. Before 5 days, council chairman announces about its opening and local head announces about matters in advance.

The main meeting

This meeting is the final meeting for deciding matters in council. More than 1/3 members attend and open it. Generally, matters will be decides by majority attends and majority of attending members’ agreement. Officially, this meeting should be opened to public. However, when more than 3 members request and more than 2/3 of attending members agree or council chairman admits it is necessary for keeping social order, the meeting won’t be opened.

Special committee

It is made to deliberate special matter temporarily by voting of the main meeting. When committee chairman or more than 1/3 of committee members request, it can be start. The extra meeting session must be within 15 days during 45 days. The local head or more than 1/3 of council members can request it. Before 5 days council chairman announces about its opening and it generally handles special matters like budget and accounts, administrative audit, ordinance deliberation, and inspection appeal.